Angela Chorney
Site Selection Specialist
Angela has been involved in planning events since 2012. After earning a Certificate in Project Management in 2016, Angela created her own company in order to expand her client base and experience. As of 2022, Angela has become a valued member of the CanPlan team.
Angela’s experience is in planning multi-day conferences and events for multiple sectors such as associations, churches and gamers.
An active, current member of a Lutheran congregation (ELCIC), with former membership at both Anglican and Mennonite Brethren congregations, Angela has an insider's perspective on church gatherings. As both a longtime youth group leader and recent convention delegate, she understands how to facilitate programming that supports a theme and how to bring together various elements of an event that seamlessly flow between Worship, Education and Fellowship.
As a self-proclaimed Geek, Angela is also uniquely poised to bring gaming conventions to life. Having dabbled in video games, Magic: the Gathering, board games and Dungeons & Dragons, Angela speaks the "language" of a fantasy world and understands the unique requirements of each fandom. Angela is actively seeking a convention planning team that is looking for her unique blend of convention experience and geek culture knowledge!
Angela is located in Victoria, BC